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rachel gouLd


As a young girl, I spent my summers growing up in China. I would spend time riding the buses in Beijing. Alone. People would stare and point, and at times laugh, at me (could have been the bad perm and the braces, but I think it went beyond that). No one looked like me – I didn’t have my white-privilege to fall back on. It was uncomfortable, but each summer I stepped back onto the bus, sat down, and rode it. I didn’t do it for the attention, in fact I shy away from it at all costs. I did it because I wanted to understand what it felt like to be different – to be a minority living among the majority. Spending almost 3 months out of the year in China allowed me to experience this. But the difference between my experience and that of so many others was that being a minority was only my reality for a moment in time – as quickly as I stepped into it, I could step out of it. It was my choice – knowing that my minority status was temporary made me feel safe. Fast forward, I graduated from law school and went on to practice at a law firm, ultimately becoming the only female partner in my practice group in the US. I devoted a significant amount of time to pro bono work, representing filmmakers, artists, musicians and victims of violence. I realized that although I enjoyed my partners and my practice, something was missing and I needed more. I needed a platform to make a meaningful difference in the lives of people (outside of growing my law firm’s clients’ checkbooks). I had always been moved by film and saw an opportunity to use the power of storytelling to provoke open dialogue, ignite awareness and encourage advocacy of socially relevant issues through the production of engaging, artful content. I was introduced to Adrienne Becker, CEO, and learned that she was working on a very similar platform at Killer Content. Within days, Killer Impact was born and here we are, leveling it forward through the power of storytelling.


How I Level Forward:  I listen carefully and find ways to give voice to the voiceless (and I always leave extra when I tip at restaurants).

© 2021 by Level Forward, Inc.  All rights reserved.

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